lördag 6 oktober 2007

To 'tash or not to 'tash, that is the question

I have a humble query for my precious readership: should it stay, or should it go? Cast your vote below and determine the fate of one man's facial landscape.

Choose carefully, dear readers...

4 kommentarer:

Hedis sa...

Sweet baby Jesus, you must keep it. Tash, tash, tash, tash, tash, tash, tash and tash.

halsgrop sa...

Curses to the razor you used to shave it off with. How long will it take to grow it back? That's the only thing you need to worry about henceforth – focus your Chi to your upper lip, implant hair plugs from your arse, fuck – snort Rogaine if you have to. Just grow it back.

So to answer your question – tash. Tash like there is no tomorrow my son.

Anonym sa...

It goes. Adds 10 years to your age.

Anonym sa...

Keep the stache J-string. You will need it for the cold Maine winter.